When you see the sports channels on TV, like ESPN, a lot, probably start a game of ping-pong from time to time. Table tennis, often called ping pong, is played on a wooden table covered with a plastic ball and paddles, rubber and a net dividing the playing surface is sometimes regarded as a mini-version of tennis since the rules are so similar.
Ping-pong is a fun and exciting sport and it is easy to learn. One of the main advantages of taking office, table tennis is that there is no need to spend money on expensive equipment. The most expensive part is obviously the table. You can find cheap table tennis teams, consisting of network, 2 shovels and a number of balls in almost all department stores in the toy or sports section.
The game of table tennis was invented in England, played in 1880 by wealthy Victorians seeking activity in a closed room. If the game was first played, books served as a net, a ball of string or a champagne cork a baseball cap and cigarettes were used as paddles. Apparently people enjoyed this new game invented make-shift equipment, since it continues to grow in popularity.
There have been improvements in equipment, in early 1900. The spheres were glued to celluloid and the paddles consisted of a piece of rubber on a wooden handle. The Word made tennis because of special sound when the ball appeared to hit the paddle rubber. Parker Brothers and consistent with the name of ping pong when they introduced the game to go to the United States.
With the commercial availability of equipment that was still the popularity of the game and the first tournament held in 1902. In 1921, the Table Tennis Association was founded in England and later, less than 10 years, the first championship of the world were also there.
Distribute more time for sport in other parts of the world. In the Far East like China, they say table tennis, while in other countries have used similar terms in the language.
In 1950, rolled around and other innovations. For example, a layer of sponge on the pallet was included in the rubber, in order to use the paddles lighter and easier for the players. And finally, after having abstained for over a century was a ping pong an Olympic sport in 1988.
Introduced in the second half of 2000, the International Organization for further changes to the rules of table tennis. They decided to use the size of the plastic ball tournament 38mm to 40mm to increase. This was an attempt to play a little 'slow. In addition, changes to the way the game should be obtained with a 11-point system than the traditional 21 points, making a lot of contrast, fast and exciting for players and spectators.
Forgot enjoy your experience with ping pong, and not keep my eyes on the ball.
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